Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Fabric Macaroons

I came across these Macaroon coin purses on Pinterest and I just keep staring at them.

I would really love to try and make some but they look so fiddly and that fabric would require a bit of an Internet hunt.

Still I will add them to the ever growing mental list (mental works in both senses here).

I found the tutorial to make them here

There are more pictures on the site if you have a spare hour or 2 to loose.


Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Ahoy there

Hello... haven't been here for a while... I have been thinking recently how I should have somewhere other than facebook to rave about and show off things... don't want to start annoying people!

This netbook is very hard to type on.

Anyway, I saw this AMAZING thing on the Mollie Makes blog and wanted to share it with you. Whoever you are. Probably nobody. And I have already posted it on Facebook actually so you have probably seen it there.

So the wonderful crewage at Mollie Makes have posted a tutorial by Yi Farn of Cotton Candy, on how to make your own rubber stamps! It's ingenious and very cute and the thought of cutting and slicing rubber makes me feel all gooey inside. So here is the link:

I think you should follow is a picture just to wet your appetite.

Rubber Stamps by Yi Farn...via Mollie Makes

Hasta luego amigos